Composed of world-renowned violinist Pinchas Zukerman, cellist Amanda Forsyth, and pianist Angela Cheng, the Zukerman Trio captivates audiences as it tours the world each year. This special performance is sure to be the highlight of Chamber Music Sedona’s 35th season.
Praised for his remarkable skill on both the violin and the viola, Pinchas Zukerman’s illustrious career has spanned several decades. Ms. Forsyth is recognized as an exquisitely talented chamber musician, soloist, recitalist and recording artist, with music known for its profound tonal richness. Ms. Cheng, a renowned Canadian pianist, has earned praise for her tonal beauty and outstanding musicianship.
This incredible opportunity to hear these beautiful talents is one afternoon only, Sunday, February 4 at 2:00 pm. Performances include the music of Beethoven, Dvorak, and Schubert.
Reserve your place for a special wine and cheese reception after the Zukerman Trio Concert! Meet the artists and visit with friends. This special reception will be held at the Marriott Courtyard across the street from the concert on Sunday, February 4, shortly after the concert. ONLY 50 tickets available. Cost $150 per person.
Tickets for the Zukerman Trio concert are priced at $55 for general admission and $75 for reserved seating. To purchase tickets or learn more about the concert, visit
At El Portal Sedona Hotel, we love to let our guests know what there is to do in Sedona and this certainly is something unique and exceptional to do on your trip to Sedona! Reserve your rooms with us at 1.800.313.0017 or online.
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